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away she goes, the sad lonely girl..
wanting nothing but to laugh once more..
but how she wondered, thinking she done nothing but only causing trouble to the others..
away she goes, to be all alone again..

she wish she tried..
to be more worthy and useful..
but realised she's nothing but.. pretty useless
away she goes, the sad lonely girl..

~ { 7/29/2007 11:54:00 am }
wish upon the star;


reason i like rain's cause i know there's always something good after a downpour; rainbow.
and i saw rainbow thrice today!! and once a double rainbow!!

life's pretty similar to weather.. we've got our bright sunny days, rainy days.. however, no matter what.. it'll still be a fruitful DAY.. =)


~ { 7/25/2007 12:03:00 am }
wish upon the star;


school reopen!!
2 weeks of hell.. and now school reopen.. -.- and my freaking mouse's not working.. touchpad's so toublesome! >.<. lost my four leave pendent.. seriously wonder how it came of from the key ring!! mom bought me my "piano" !! woahahah now i can play and practice all i can!! especially when i'm =( piano comes handy!! aunty may + family, mr chua+ wifey+niece and aunty kat and uncle john's back.. came for 4 days only.. how short.. been a long time since we let met.. however, doesn't feel like a stranger so it's pretty good thing. =) i want to..set up my own bakery..i still do.. i'm working on it now.. doing a little research.. and whatever i can. kekekeke JIAYOU!GAMBATTE!!FIGHTING!!!

~ { 7/24/2007 12:52:00 am }
wish upon the star;


turn to your right!
turn to your left..
kept walking straight!
kept moving back..

who am i?what am i?
who are you?what are you?
why and why..

yes and no..
crappy and shitty

~ { 7/17/2007 10:28:00 pm }
wish upon the star;

i painted myself a top yesterday!! not yesterday, the day before and wore it out to city the whole day.. wahhaa it's cool! >.< actually wore it cause had a bet with tony; if i wore it out to city the whole day, he's gonna wear it for a week. and he's wearing it now!! hope he didn't stretch too much of it.. kekeke!! and me yaojun were hell lucky yesterday.. 1st on our way to top image (for hair cut). we're like, hmm get a parking lot. hmm turn here oh nos! authorized parking! oh nos! hey top image there! so we can park! yeh! 2nd on our way to convention centre.. yaojun drove too slow and lost tin.. and we're like pretty lost.. turn the wrong way into habour town (suppose to go straight), and to freeway however got the quicker way to convention center.. ^^ and almost got lost on our way back but sort it out too =) lucky lucky!!
and i'm still trying to convenice mommy to get my a piano..it's only a keyboard piano.. =( and maybe if i've time.. i can get a guitar too!and guo xing can teach me!!cool! my room'll be like, musician's room!! COOL! and gonna catch harry potter after work tomorrow! hell excited!! and i'm still trying to fit in time for hw.. ahhhhhh how sad! was suppose to finish watching my anime during holidays!! boooooooooo!!!!

~ { 7/17/2007 12:14:00 am }
wish upon the star;


ahhhh i hate my holidays!! like the 10th time i said "1st week tutor, 2nd week work." and the only day i rest; sunday. there's praying.. ahhh whyy!!!! so much stuff happened in one day.. bloody people made the hell out of us.. i hate them! such hypocrites! michelle lim.. someone who can't expresses herself properly.. or even express herself at all.. well she does..it's only you need to take a little effort to tell what's going on.. if someone wants to understand, they'll listen with their heart and not ears.. well yea with the help from ears too.. -.- what am i talking..

~ { 7/14/2007 10:49:00 pm }
wish upon the star;

keep walking straight..
along the endless path..
be careful!
of the rocky path ahead..
the scenery along..
keep walking..
keep walking ahead michelle..

~ { 7/14/2007 10:16:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


good bye day- yui
good bye day- YUI

Dakara ima ai ni yuku sou kimetan da

Poketto no kono kyoku wo kimi ni kikasetai

Sotto voryuumu wo agete tashikamete mita yo

Oh good-bye days
Ima kawaru ki ga suru
Kinou made ni so long
Kakko yokunai yasashisa ga soba ni aru kara
~With you

Katahou no iyafon wo kimi ni watasu
Yukkuri to nagarekomu kono shunkan

Umaku ai sete imasu ka? Tama ni mayou kedo

Oh good-bye days
Ima kawarihajimeta mune no oku alright
Kakko yokunai yasashisa ga soba ni aru kara
~With you

Dekireba kanashii omoi nante shitakunai
Demo yatte kuru desho?
Sono toki egao de
Yeah hello! My friend nante sa
Ieta nara ii noni...

Onaji uta wo kuchizusamu toki
Soba ni ite I wish
Kakko yokunai yasashisa ni aete yokatta yo

...Good-bye days

------------ English

So I’ll go to you now, I’ve made up my mind
I want to play you the song in my pocket

I quietly turned up the volume to make sure

Oh good-bye days
I feel like things are changing now
So long yesterday and before
I have a clumsy tenderness by my side
~With you

I pass you one earphone
And in that moment, it plays slowly

I am I loving you right? Sometimes I get confused

Oh good-bye days
Now what’s in my heart has begun to change, alright
I have a clumsy tenderness by my side
~With you

I don’t want to have sad thoughts if I can help it
But they’re bound to come, right?
When they do, I’ll smile and say
Yeah hello! I hope I can call you
My friend...

When we sing the same song
Be by my side, I wish
I’m glad I found that clumsy tenderness

~ { 7/05/2007 08:01:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


accounting 100's over!!
ACCOUNTING 100 IS OFFICIALLY OVER!! just finish out presentation today.. was so much better compared to yesterday's mock. Glen didn't even wanna listen to our talk yesterday and they were laughing today.. so i hope it's a good sign. was so hungry the whole days today!! ate so much! and dear mom cooked good stuff and waited to have dinner together =) 3 more days of school and end of term 2. gonna wag school tomorrow go habour town shop for presents!! wonder who's going with me >.< it's alright.. if i go alone... it's alright.

anyway, this week, after 2 more test!! it'll be holiday!! however, 1 week of holiday gotta UWA for tutor for TEE stuff and 2nd, gotta work everyday.. and thursday 9-9!! what a depressing holiday.. sigh! and and next tuesday 1 vet visit for tootisy!! she's (or maybe he. not verified yet) so fat now! so cute! and just like me, snack all day =) awwww..

i wish and wish and wish.. :)

~ { 7/03/2007 09:29:00 pm }
wish upon the star;