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conclusion time again!!
the ending of March means awaiting for April arrival. meaning autumn's coming.. hence of course, weather's getting colder. you know, cold weather affect ones' emotion?? and they get all emotional?? little stuff, little misunderstanding, little issue can make a person go berserk. oh April coming means holiday's coming too! and which means, my driving assessment and jie jie's ROM coming too! how i wish i was back or going back to sg.. been saying you know in sg, in sg, it's sg.. kinda afraid someone got pissed about me talking about sg. kee. daddy's back in sg though. wonder how's he doing. and kor kor got his operation yesterday. wonder how he's doing to. how i wish i can understand someone mood better. like syd, i think she really misses home, her family. and pissed in school. like when i first started schooling in au. every thing's strange and new. not only have to adapt their culture, you have to pay attention to what they're talking, have to brainstorm what to say before you speak, form proper English. get isolated or isolate yourself. all those factors i've been through.. maybe maybe not. wish she speak out sometimes. at least there's something sharing her burden or something.

have i even mention my mates in au? Yaojun: from china grew up here.
closest to me suppose, go to and fro home together basically because we live in the same street. try to treat her as nice as possible even though she's hell competitive and i don't like any of it! she's really nice. try to make my life more comfortable. like a translator. or someone that understand/knows (most of the time) what i'm saying while others' couldn't. like tony said, her action's huge. but that's what made yao jun yaojun. and plus like me, she's clumsy. kee.

michelle: half chinese half viet. hmm pretty close with her too. after yaojun. lol funny girl. always happy and smiling. make your day ^^. and she talks alot! alot i mean! about food. went through some photos of her when she was young. lol got loads of pictures of her smiling to the cake while others looking at the camera. (maybe her dad's a cook and make loads of good food for her. ahh jealous) and i got all mangas/anime/movies from her. nice girl.

blake: half indian half auzzie. everytime someone said blake, the picture of soccer appear in my mind. and scare me with he super dirty soccer ball yesterday! HUMP! wasn't that easily scared you know! a shy boy from what i learn from yaojun (they used to be together for a day but because yaojun parents object!! ahhhh! hope he still likes her cause she's making hell lota of effort and he's a ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh -.-)

tony: joker. that's him. always making people laugh while irritating them. he's nice i can tell. just, don't really know the real him. you know the cheeky smiley face icon in msn. that's how he looks when he give the cheeky smile. very smart too. sigh. made me feel stupid.. -.- and omg! he's got women's ideal figure (other then the flat chest and no waist. other than that, it's perfect!)

steven: he's really nice. but irritating at the same time? always there to ask if i'm alright and stuff. "my cute sister" sometimes you don't feel guilty bullying him. kekeke. oh but he's hell kaypo. always ask if i'm all right till i get really pissed. kept asking! geez!

johnson: geez.. he talk alot.. as in about all those philosophy and his family stuff. hell naggy. but he's smart. my partner for the ball and the main reason it's him because he talks so much that it doesn't make me look to anti social. hope i can take it. !!

ahh can't possibility describe all, hmm comes to Dianne talks tooo much about food with mishi. SO MUCH! and eating most of the time and doesn't gain weight. Tin, hmm from what i learn, a pretty sensitive guy always mistaken as a gay. hopfully he's not.. kekkeke who else.. no one really close.. ahh rowena? from last yr. didn't contact much but basically yea my hangout friend in school last yr.

~ { 3/30/2007 07:24:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


miss sg
been doing intensive tourism this few days. one of the destination's Singapore. suddenly, like when i 1st came here, miss Singapore alot. miss jie jie. miss my house, my room, my queen size bed. everything's gonna change. like the next trip back, jie jie doesn't belong solely to me already, she's gonna get married, and move out. soon. occupants in the house's gonna decrease again. really miss everything. bet sydney miss her family, bf, friends and everything too. but she's strong. doens't show. i'll should be like her. be strong. wait till a fews mths, then i'll see jie jie again. in the mean while, i know i should be nice to syd as possible.. maybe she doesn't feel that lonely here. maybe she might feel better? sigh.. i'm afraid one day, i might prefer au. i might not want to go back. i might not want to see anyone back there. one day.. still so far..

~ { 3/25/2007 11:03:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


got lots of things on my mind..but those stuff just disappeared suddenly. at the peak when I'm writing it down. i feel so useless suddenly, as if i'm a failure. actually i'm just a step to be a failure. you know, when you parents had to pay heaps because you didn't do good and when you come here study, tried your best, i'm not sure whether if i actually did my best though and get all those crap results and those wonderful friends that say they've got crap getting 80s.
it's like losing everything you once had and ended with nothing you want.. nothing you actually want but to please the others. were talking about dreams, what you wanna be. i always tell people i wanna study commerce. but do i actually want to do commerce? i dunno! i've lost my dream. every since i realise i'm living in this world, understand things. when you look at someone. anyone, have you ever though, hmm look at that person, i wonder who he sees the world. i remember at 10, pri 4 then if i'm not wrong. was out with ma ma in JE having dinner or something. they're pretty busy then, so i hardly spent time with family, even if we had time, it wasn't really family happy stuff. more like the cast out irritating kaypo girl. but at that point of time, when we're eating, was eating and staring. staring at people walking to and fro..everything's so fast. suddenly. hey!i'm living!i sees i think i learn. then i start knowing i'm a living thing. before that, life was like a i dunno.. didn't even feel i exist or something. it's hard to describe.
at that point of time, i realise i hardly get what i want. i never get what i want actually. so as time goes by, i start learning how to get over things. get over things i know my parents wouldn't waste the money on. like barbie doll! i never had a real barbie barbie doll. just some crap looking doll girl that i dislike so much i cut off their hairs and staple a hand made witch hat to cover the hole.
i hate my life. until now, nothing seems perfect.. not even close to perfect. everytime when i though life was perfect, there always some shit freaking issue that destroy my happy little perfection life. and all i want was to be carefree and happy and you know.. remembered, know. it's not that life's in au's shitty. it's just, not the kind i want. the me that used to be occupied, busy, playing sports, chatty with friends and teachers became the what are you talking about girl and miss playing sports, miss playing piano that i once hated.

~ { 3/16/2007 10:24:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


what a day!!>.<
alright, this morning woke up pretty early since don't have to go to school that early (had learning centre), so did a little exercise ( i don't think it all helps since i always pop chocolates into my mouth!!), pack syd's room, my bed, read story book till yaojun comes and off to school.. since she's kinda late, so we have to hurry to school. hmm.. nothing interesting.. same old lonely days.. bah! mom's aunt came today. last min call. don't really know her well so not much conversation but i don't think i like her company since the 1st thing she said when she saw me was "aye, so big already ah. are you reading book? you'll spoil your eyes like that." btw, she's a yr younger than my mom! and today, david called to asked us join his picnic tomorrow.. ahh i've got heaps of work you know, and i've gotta go city to shop for my dress!! /..\ anyway, the next thing when he called back is "so what time should i pick you and syd up" (i didn't really agree to go.. but since it's to celebrate his belated birthday and since he kept you know.. persisting so that mean i don't really have a choice do i?). alright then headed to library then summerlake to see lake. kee. cycle there, but before that went to pump air for the wheels. alright, 1st mishap: saw this couple walking by the track so didn't wanna cycle through them so went off to the road.. was good until i wanted to go back to the track. didn't really know what happen and why i couldn't get back to the track (the curb was almost smooth!) and sort of bounce back and glided.. alright fell. injured the same old place the last time i cycled in sg.. sian! just healed like not long ago!! hurt my palm too.. ouch! but the brave we continued the journey to library with blood flowing like river.. bahhh!!lol. anyway, when reached library, returned books then went to clean my wounds. wasted my 3 cute winnie the poor bear plaster. should have brought the normal ones.. dame.. so went hunting for books.. 2nd mishap (not really but it's not very lucky of me): couldn't find the edding vol 4 book i've been looking for like a mth and couldn't find shopaholic too. sian. so any how pick a few books in order not to make a waste trip. so after that, headed to summerlake with pain..ahhh!!! kekek. though the shortcut was short but not really... and 3rd mishap: caught my police for not wearing helmet.. booh. was acting innocent so didn't fine me but got warning and that freaking policewomen asked me to walk home. hello, it's not really close and definitely not with a bike! and syd in front of my wasn't caught! lucky! cap flew off a few times so gotta stop and pick it up a few times.. alas!! reached the lake (was so paranoid i stop countless of times and walk just in case i saw police again).. was hell relaxing.. windy and peaceful.. sun setting so i suggest heading home. didn't really know the way ack so just try an error. almost fell again..curves.. mishap 4?: was on our way back (yeah) and syd's way in front me cause there's people so walk my bike before.. when riding the bike, heard clank.??! i'm like what's that! the next moment, where's my left paddle!! OMG! bike w/o paddle! and i'm not a hell good rider. almost though of abandon that stupid bike a walk home (it's pretty far!) but then saw something black (the bike screw with oils and etc). fixed it back but that grease my wounded hand and my plaster came off (my cute winnie the pooh) took like 5 mins.. syd came back looking for me.. so alright.. though the paddle's hell lose, at least i could paddle but had to screw it back every 15 mins or so. sigh.. reached home, dirty, hungry and tired. no one cook dinner! was almost 8+ so asked syd prepare ingredients so i went for shower but aunty wendy's in the toilet.. so had to wait (all oily and wounded). so cooked dinner, mommy came home. helped me with the noodle. and aunty wendy, by dinner, kept telling not to do this, do that, this's not good, that's good. ahh! how old are we uh?! and now, totally no mood for studying.. all i can do now is read read and read.. so must well finish reading my eng book: Dracula (so boring.. 1st chap's like describing mountain and food he eat -.-) ahhh!!! bad day.

~ { 3/09/2007 10:51:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


clinique happy heart.
a wealth of flowers
a hint of warmth
a deepening of emotions
wear it and have
a happy heart

~ { 3/08/2007 07:17:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


cutrin trip
wah so hot man!! just imagine after shower, you dry yourself and the very next moment you start sweating.. that's how hot it is now. 29's like hot. and it's gonna be like 38-42 for the next following days.. ahhh.. *roasted* anyway, was first lesson of curtin accounting experience thingy.. okie, since it's the 1st day, we gotta reach at 1630. and you know the stupid transport here comes like every hour or something, we gotta rush the 1458 bus which was right after school. school ends at 1255 so gotta rush to the bus stop which's like 100m or more away. and when got on the bus, OMG! it's soooooo hot! no matter if you close the window or open full, it's still soo freaking hot! even when you sit properly, blouse and short starts getting sweaty (a wet feeling) and worst is when at ECU stop, so many people aboard the bus man.. so humid, hot and smelly! and squeezie. okie, then when arrived at perth station, went to change to home clothes. needed toliet but it's full so hurry to catch the train. rush towards before it closes.. lucky. so when arrived at oatstreet, man! so hot again.. took 98 bus down cutrin.. geez you sweat in the bus.. finally reached cutrin. but trouble seems rolling.. upon arrival at curtin, me and yaojun's like.. okie..where shall we go.. then we're like, alright try an error.. so we went about, then saw this guy told us gotta what go straight, turn right, see the main library, then go past the corner, hmm walk straight and crap.. at least in the end we figured out our way.. playing maze in the middle of hot sun right after school, carrying extra heavy bag (there's school books and clothings), hungry cause no lunch, and i'm bursting!! (mention above i need the toilet). and worst, when arrived at 1631 at building 408, still gotta wait for others to arrive! ahhhhh!!!! bought drink.. alright then everyone assmeble, keke like a group of children walked all the way to dunno where (pretty far) for get accounting book and back to 408 again with all the files and bags.. then at least the lecture hall was cooling.. hmm started the 1st hour net working (moving around the lecture metting, introducing one an other). me and yaojun, thanks to agoni though was a 1 hour lecture was waiting for lesson to end.. but it's like a 3 hours lecture.. 3hs of lecture w/o food tired and i've still yet been to the toilet.. and did i mention?? everyone else like in their home clothes without and bag? i mean school bag? i bet they wag school or skip half of the day for this man.. not fair man! nv m, me almost doze off a few times and it's not very good since i'm like sitting in the 1st row... i mean, he could see me clearly! very clearly! >.<> called her bro to see if he's free and available to fetch us? NO. sad. so called mommy and 1000 cheers to mommy! came regardless of hours of working (not that she had a choice not to come) but anyway, she so cute man. that's my ma ma. anyway, got ourselves chocolates(me) and chips (yaojun) and took some pictures in the meanwhile:

~ { 3/06/2007 10:05:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


sherman proposed to jie jie!! ^^
another good new this year to the Lim Family. ^^ my beloveted sister, cute jie jie's engaged! her bf just proposed to her on the 3 or march during dinner in cable car (didn't know he's actually romantic) and got her a very nice ring (that's what she said). see, last yr dec 07 bro's ROM, this yr's sis. ^^ next yr bro's wedding dinner. maybe sis gonna held her dinner the yr after kor kor! you never know!! keke. me naughty, in order to see what's mommy and daddy's reaction, me snick into their room while they were sleeping and delete msg jie jie sent to them! kekeke. alright, since i'm going to the ball right, so i'm gonna get a dress. not too formal but not too informal so i can wear to the ball and not be the too odd one and to jie jie or kor kor's wedding (either one) so i won't look too over dress. hmm wonder which one i should wear my dress too. jie jie or kor kor.. wah, wedding rolling in my family!! ^^ btw, almost break my leg today thanks to yaojun, we walked from barrek st to weilington st (abt 35 min under the hot sun) then shop around city for like 4-5 hs looking for dresses (they kept urging me to try, tried 3. so ex man) then gotta go back at to barrek st cause yaojun wans to pay deposit for her dress so back to barrek st again then back to weilington st to catch a bus. and since i'm going to mom's shop and i don't know the way, we rush, run around gathering imfornation then ended up asking one the the people there (he's like yes.. oh.. that one... kind) then took 354 to mirriboka. way so mirriboka wasn't very long. abt 30 mins? but what, the bus counter some problem and had to shop twice.eveytime it stops, the bus goes siiiiii.. and slant sightly. ahh though i got caught or something. but fortunally got off saftly. but then next, i dont' know what bus to catch, so flipped through all busses timetable and went asked a police man and he's not too sure too. intially, thought the bus to the shop was 376,but that bus's hourly so gotta wait for another 45 min (was listening to music, looking around at people, seeing people looking for trouble with the police, watching birds flying and chirping ) then comes 376 (4 mins before) asked if it's the right bus and told me i got the wrong one (pang!) then told me i should get 364 or something (can't remember clearly). pointed the bus i should take and it was there, doors closed, so me rushed down the steps, 100 meter dash, waving frantically like a mad women then the bus driver laughing when he saw me and stop the bus (phew. the though of waiting for another hour isn't very tempting so i gave in my all man) and here comes michelle for her 1st time in perth travelling alone, working ways through her destination! wahhahahaha FIGHTTTT!!! CHARGED!!!!!!

~ { 3/04/2007 12:23:00 am }
wish upon the star;


my computer's so corrupted. thanks to my brother. oh did i ever mention my siblings flew here to spent CNY with us? was good, except the part where i've gotta go school and now it feel so quiet without them. (especially all those squealking hy made. keke) wasted 2hs of quality time in school learning how to dance for the ball. jeez. ball's so troublesome! but under peer pressure.. i'm going.. >.<> stronger. she alone drag me out of the cafe. man, dancing, gotta dance with strangers and hold hands with them, and even dancing cha cha!! @.@ btw, me prepared dinner today cause mom's working at shop, haven had dinner with her since shop started. me prepared a full course meal (4 dishes) with those veggies and stuff. was pretty pleased with the outcome, look good and taste not bad too ^^ kee. everything's cleared! was so tempted to take pictures bleahz.. anyway, sigh... school sooo boring... so many tests, essays and assignment.. it's not the content that's boring but the school.. totally no mood to study.. dread to go school.. it never happen in sg before.. sigh..

~ { 3/02/2007 12:08:00 am }
wish upon the star;