cutrin trip
wah so hot man!! just imagine after shower, you dry yourself and the very next moment you start sweating.. that's how hot it is now. 29's like hot. and it's gonna be like 38-42 for the next following days.. ahhh.. *roasted* anyway, was first lesson of curtin accounting experience thingy.. okie, since it's the 1st day, we gotta reach at 1630. and you know the stupid transport here comes like every hour or something, we gotta rush the 1458 bus which was right after school. school ends at 1255 so gotta rush to the bus stop which's like 100m or more away. and when got on the bus, OMG! it's soooooo hot! no matter if you close the window or open full, it's still soo freaking hot! even when you sit properly, blouse and short starts getting sweaty (a wet feeling) and worst is when at ECU stop, so many people aboard the bus man.. so humid, hot and smelly! and squeezie. okie, then when arrived at perth station, went to change to home clothes. needed toliet but it's full so hurry to catch the train. rush towards before it closes.. lucky. so when arrived at oatstreet, man! so hot again.. took 98 bus down cutrin.. geez you sweat in the bus.. finally reached cutrin. but trouble seems rolling.. upon arrival at curtin, me and yaojun's like.. okie..where shall we go.. then we're like, alright try an error.. so we went about, then saw this guy told us gotta what go straight, turn right, see the main library, then go past the corner, hmm walk straight and crap.. at least in the end we figured out our way.. playing maze in the middle of hot sun right after school, carrying extra heavy bag (there's school books and clothings), hungry cause no lunch, and i'm bursting!! (mention above i need the toilet). and worst, when arrived at 1631 at building 408, still gotta wait for others to arrive! ahhhhh!!!! bought drink.. alright then everyone assmeble, keke like a group of children walked all the way to dunno where (pretty far) for get accounting book and back to 408 again with all the files and bags.. then at least the lecture hall was cooling.. hmm started the 1st hour net working (moving around the lecture metting, introducing one an other). me and yaojun, thanks to agoni though was a 1 hour lecture was waiting for lesson to end.. but it's like a 3 hours lecture.. 3hs of lecture w/o food tired and i've still yet been to the toilet.. and did i mention?? everyone else like in their home clothes without and bag? i mean school bag? i bet they wag school or skip half of the day for this man.. not fair man! nv m, me almost doze off a few times and it's not very good since i'm like sitting in the 1st row... i mean, he could see me clearly! very clearly! >.<> called her bro to see if he's free and available to fetch us? NO. sad. so called mommy and 1000 cheers to mommy! came regardless of hours of working (not that she had a choice not to come) but anyway, she so cute man. that's my ma ma. anyway, got ourselves chocolates(me) and chips (yaojun) and took some pictures in the meanwhile: