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hate my homeroom!
geezz!! sian sian sian!! why? cause school's gonna start tomorrow. that's not too bad, i don't mind school at all. the worst thing is, my homeroom.. i hate this yr homeroom!! it's my toursim class. why 6 sub, gotta bulleyes, got that sub?! geezz!!! all those people i'm unfamiliar with.. sad sad -.- and there's that super irritating tom guy, the clown of the school.. geeez!!! i guess GOD MUST HAVE A GOOD REASON UH!! to banish me into that class.. sob sob!! hmm.. practice parking today. reverse improved pretty much. now it's parallel's turn. btw! you know i've gotta wear skirt to school? no more jeans!! what about winter? are we going to freeze our poor legs?! keke. hmm.. bored! i don't wanna go school!! and everything's back to the square again.. to tolerate for another yr.. and yes! i can leave that school! jia you!!
no matter how hard my journey's gonna be, i'll always try my very best! so good luck for me!! jia you jia you!!

~ { 1/30/2007 08:40:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


29th Jan
hmm went morley to get L licence for syd. clever girl, got full marks for her theory (30/30) and we got our assessment date together (on the 18th of april!! scared).ahh gotta go back school tomorrow! walked!! with that stupid weather! could get tan for simply walking to and fro school.. (it's a 25 mins walk, and you get all sweaty and smelly. eeek!) all the way to school just to see what homeroom i'm in. stupid. and school reopen on wednesday.. ahhh!! and no more jeans! gotta wear skirt! imagine skirt during winter.. brrr.. woo btw, got my elmo tee (it's red too!! ^^) from JAYSJAYS!! yea.. been a long time since i've done some shopping!! for CNY!! excited excited!! not really actually, the though of cousins celebrating, getting red packet.. miss miss!!

~ { 1/29/2007 08:57:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


clubbing photos
some photos took on the 14th night at st james powerstation (great night)
cheers! had great time with you guys! hope to have chances like this again! seeya and miss you guy!

~ { 1/28/2007 11:46:00 pm }
wish upon the star;

blackout night
hmm been snacking for the past few days! can't help it, can't control my greedy mouth.keke >.<>
as you know, country like WA's shitting hot when summer and god knows why it rains today. lol and poor mom, grifting over her spoiled poncho (due to the bad weather) and us (the whole neighbourhood) suffer from blackout and poor syd was gonna shower when it went black (as you know it's really dark in the bath room.kekek) so we the only source of light we've got was a candle and 2 lamp. what nice atmosphere is was. even took photo them! kekeke. yao jun:"omg we're back to stong age!".kekeke more like oldiest uh. anyway, was talking to yimei. been a long time ever since i've chatted with a friend online for this long. miss those old days, but still, gotta live on! looking forward to explore my life.. life full of unexpecting surprises waiting for me to venture.

~ { 1/28/2007 10:13:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


australian day
look!! i miss my bear!! used to accompany me through those lonely days in sg to sleep!!

Was australian day today. Bloody hot today, yesterday too, sigh. Too shower for like 3 times yesterday! 1st time shower so many times.. feel like a roast pig >.<> anyway, went curtin yesterday with syd to settle her enrollment stuff and drove home (still a dangerous driver. keke) thank god we've finished the stubble holder so manage to go watch fireworks! keke. so pretty! took some pictures too, though reckon the best pictures captured are by our both eyes. nothing could be compared with those pictures captured by eyes. hot breeze, lushie green grass, dim atmosphere with bright, colourful fireworks. beautiful

feel as if they were coming towards me. everyone watching in silence. peace

looks like red shooting starts falling uh.keke

~ { 1/26/2007 09:45:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


Hmm, pretty bored now. Imagine back for a week and I'm on my second series of Korean drama. Pathetic. Anyway, help out at shop yesterday, a buffet for a bunch of Buddhism people. we even had free watermelon!! Yumyum!! Syd and me's the waitress. Kekek. Nothing much, just refilling drinks, count how many people, watch people eat. That’s a tough part. Imagine having a empty stomach, with loads of delicious cuisine right in front of you but can't eat.. and have to look and serve others.. smile too -.- booooh. Weather's hot today. Been looking for cooling stuffs like ice cream the whole day! and worst is since it's soo hot, we can't go jogging!! Fat fat fat!! Stayed at home the whole afternoon watching vcds. Boring… sigh, reckon I should start revising for my yr 12(been mentioning that since I came back...-.- loser mic) ahh bored!! but there isn't much difference with life in sg.. so, stuff it!

~ { 1/22/2007 10:49:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


conclusion about dec trip back to sg
Wahh! i'm back in au again!! Weather's hot during the day but cold during morning and night.. which result of cold.. stupid weather! hmm went back pretty discreetly I should say uh.. anyway, syd's the main character since it's her 1st time going overseas for so long.. she's pretty tough I reckon.. didn't cry as much as I did.. keke. oh plus it's my 1st time taking plane without parents!! woot! kekee.. awww school's gonna reopen in 2 weeks time.. so sian. don't have study mood at all!! sad sad!!
was gonna talk about my last day in sg.. went clubbing with geral, yuu, yimei, glennie and jas. was a cool night.. never gonna forget that moment and hahah that 2 pervertic guy. eeek!! was one of my best outing and good experience from this trip back.. this trip, made me ponder, think, conclude heaps of stuffs.. not a bad one but i can't say it's good either.. met loads of unexpected people. did loads of unexpected things.. i guess that's life.. nothing's predictable..

~ { 1/19/2007 05:01:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


Few photos taken during dec trip back to sg:

~ { 1/14/2007 05:51:00 pm }
wish upon the star;

au here i come
pooh! been a long long time since I've last wrote. Been looking for stuffs to do and trying not to feel too pathetic, though at the same time, rotting. Hmm, conclusion about this trip back. There's positive and negative side of course. Good thing is I've met more people, got back with daffodil, got closer with my siblings and cousin, geral, the one that filled my lonely days. Keke
Uncountable things happened, uncountable thoughts made. Was practicing piano just now, was thinking when I will have that luxury. Oh and finished watching a Korean series, a few dvds, shopping for stuff back. The sad thing is, didn't really meet up with loads of friends, especially my pri friends. What a waste. Practically, I've been wasting a whole 2 mths in sg doing nothing much but spending quaility time alone, don't really know what i can do. btw, what i've enjoyed most here's the night cycling, though got a really huge scar after that bad fall. kekeke. Again, there’s good and bad about this trip back to au. Bad thing is, I’m gonna lose things I have here, leave things behind, again. Good news is, there’s isn’t much to lose and leave.
ahh!! i'm so bored! Gees, i want that gola shoe! orginal price was $99 and it's $38-9. But the sad thing is i think it's for guys cause smallest size's 5 and my size's 4-4 1/2. arggh! i don't care but don't think i've got the chance to get that. another waste.

what i've learned, is never to wish for much, to be contended with what i've got, to love my family members because they love me.. too! keke. shall miss them heaps when i go back. just wondering how's syd feeling now. hope she doesn't end up like me, had a hard time going though all these changes. lucky thing is that she's gonna come back to sg for sure after her studies. for me, i just hope that there's stuff worth coming back for.. well of course there is. my family. my love ones. wonder if i never left this place, i would cherish them as much i would now. i would understand their importance, the presences. it's not the time to come back. it's not the time to start missing. it's not the time to regret. it's not the time to ponder about what's right or wrong. it's the time to move on. now what i hope for is jie to get married soon, kekek study hard for this yr's tee (UNI HERE I COME!!), awaits kor kor chinese wedding dinner (he might even have to give me ang bao this yr!! kekek) and a blissful life and family!! my love ones to be happy. then i shall be happy too! ^^ right?! ^^

~ { 1/14/2007 05:21:00 pm }
wish upon the star;