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genting trip
finally had a chance to escape from my parents' wings and travel overseas without them. seriously did hoped i had a great time and of course, making used of this chance to prove that i've grown up. able to take care of myself and take responsibility. but to me and mom's disappointment.. lost my 10 days old nokia 7390!! sad!! 1st 2 days weather wasn't friendly so couldn't play outdoor games and stuffs so we played indoors and had some shopping.. wasn't too bad (since i don't really fancy rides). 3rd day, weather wasn't that bad and manage to experience rollercoster. my 1st ride. almost puke. made me sick..-.- and flying coster. that was fun! well at least i feel safer, plus it was too, the day i lost my precious. goodness! it's ex! and it's not even with me for a longer period of time.. not sure when i dropped it but..ahh!even though i left it in my inner pocket of my jacket and been holding my jacket all those times.. it fell out! stuipd, silly me! reckon i'm pretty unreliable, reckless..what else? irresponsible. jeez!! and 4th day which's today, (merry christmas btw) checked out, went KL and city mall however didn't get much.. or i should say, didn't get anything at all due to time.. and back home to face mom and dad!! abt the lost phone!! my 700 phone.. booooo i'm not so not over it yet.. and jeeze!! gotta meet people tomorrow and i'm sim cardless and phoneless and worst couldn't contact anyone.. hey! where's anyone when i need someone?! i can feel i'm going back to my mood swing period.

~ { 12/24/2006 10:53:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


"the best day of my life"
wheeew!! Feeling extremely tired. From Friday’s drinking to Saturday’s badminton and swimming till night cycling till Sunday early morning 8 and being forced to climb bt timah hill afterwards.. slept like a log for abt 4-5hs (while daddy, mommy, sista and sherman's playing mahjong w/o me -.-) then woke up to fetch kor kor and my sista in law (keke) from airport (they went japan for honeymoon. how lucky!!) then headed to quaility hotel for dinner with Lim SY tz and more people. wooo forgot to take pictures of my night cycling!! except for the fell down, up the slope and aching part, rest was fabulous!! (maybe i've lost a few kg due to all those activities!!kekeke) might even consider another night cycling!! ^^ coool!!!! and today, because david and tammie's going hk for their continued honeymoon (1st destination sg, 2nd hk then back to au), i've gotta cancel my outing with my friends!! this better be a nice dinner.. woo, now body still aching from several sports!! but it's worth it i believe!! *puppy eyes*

my 1st beer!!though it looks small but it's really huge!! gotta carry with my both hands!

~ { 12/18/2006 03:41:00 pm }
wish upon the star;


long day
not sure why it tires me out easily these days.. maybe it's the weather. anyway, i'm hired. working next monday i suppose.. for my bro at his specty shop (what else!? sigh) his ROM was cool. well actually his suiet was cool (cause me, syd and geral took over their suiet because they're going Japan for their honeymoon..how nice!!) anyway, really cool. 1st was big. 2nd no parents. 3rd free (already paid for us. keke). 4th it's raffels town country club and 5th, they've got jacuzzi, steam room and sauna in the suiet!! ^^ but caught a cold after that.. sadded. nothing much these days.. spent my day with parents and their friend.. how filial -.- well went anthony uncle place for dinner (having some dinner reunion). oh before that, went aunty may uncle jack's place.. their house's so pretty!! *jealous* hmm what else.. haven been meeting my friends alot.. wonder what they're doing.. ahh!! BORED!!

~ { 12/10/2006 02:30:00 am }
wish upon the star;


long time no see blog
so wanted to blog this few days happening. and of course jolt it down into my journal.. but i kept forgetting! but i don't want, of course to forget what happened. hmm on the 1st day. geral, jie ying and glenn came to the airport to receive me. =) and of course bro and HY (sis's not there due to some meething stuff) and aunty may's family (for the sake of mom of course) imagin whole family. with her daughter with the big tummy and "spoiled" son. wow that's the only thing i could say. haha. took a train all the way back to westmall (bukit batok) cause jasline don't wanna go town. so yeah met yi mei there too. was planning to chat a stuffs but ended up watching MY ANDY LAU movie. it's really good. he's good in that movie (not in a bias view. other says so as well) cause saw mom and dad with aunty may and uncle jack. at kopi tiam so keke made used of the chance (with other friends and bait) to ask if we could watch midnight movie (oh she gave me$50 before that! keke) saw some of fou tang friend. aunty may's son included with his other friends which i remembered their faces and tze hui and was freaking embrassesed. the called me and i just stared.. (can't remember who they are at the moment and was pretty surprised someone called me suddenly. well not suddenly but.. stuff it..) anyway, back home haha my nagging time.. since everyone's not really interested so went home to sleep >.<>

next day. saturday. hmm can't remember what i've did.. ahh went eileen's place! before that was rotting at home. playing piano.. placking the bloody messy room (wonder who's jie jie gonna be a mom..) editing photos.. (some only) talked a while on the phone with yi mei and off i go to eileen's place. met family for dinner afterwards.. ahah i'm able to go coronation plaza (not sure abt the spelling but keke so!) then went home. not sure what i did after that.. sigh.. should have jolt it down right at the moment.

sunday. my pretty big day. the marathon run. aww not wasn't as nice as i wanted it to be.. few reason i couldn't run well.. 1) weather. bloody hot. and air's so different.. 2) crowded (not a very good excuse but still..) 3) keen hurts 4) calf cramp. in total.. was a total disaster -.- hmm after that went funan IT mall to change.. gonna meet yi mei at 9 (was around 9.25 then??) yup yup.. waitied for her like 4h hours (reached at 12.45) oh kt didn't went for his marathon.. didn't see him or read his blog then.. but has this feeling he won't go.. hmm went around with yi mei looking at stuffs.. didn't know i was that tried till i've gotta look for a corner to rest. saw marilyn and ash.. gave her a (we're stranger look) though hate to admit. heart leap for a sec when i saw her (saw ash 1st and what's more i didn't even had a full look at her!weak michelle weak!nvm) went breaktalk at wisma and saw korkor.. he's bloody funny and cute.. this the conversation between me and yi mei. well i'm talking most of the time
mic: yi mei.. ne ge ren jiang hua hen xing wo korkor
yi mei: si mei (which mic still observing that guy)
mic: zhen de hen xiang!! (yi mei had a glance. then suddenly that guy had some hand signal which talking to a man sitting opposit him talking abt sun glass.)
mic: (in heart: "confirm it's korkor". so walked over and had a peep. ahh it's him.. but i was rather rude to peep in and had a glance at him.. >.<>

monday: jie jie took a day off to shop shop with me.. actually main reason was to bring me to do my hair.. i've got dyed hair now.. short too.. well pretty short if you seen my hair before.. nothing much.. went around, bought my ipod case, ate i dunno whether it's lunch or tea time then headed home.. was around 20.00 then.. bloody suai.. saw marilyn and ash again.. took the same bus.. too saw ash 1st (maybe because he's big size) hope she didn't realize i've saw then.. sigh.. what a small world.. hmm went home, took a shower.. dyed dad's and mom's hair.. then headed to geral's home! movie time!! had movie marathon man.. after that 21.00 tv program.. off to our 1st movie "take the lead" not bad. watched i think.. total 4 movie ( one was corrupted so only watched half way through.. -.-)

tuesday: (still watching movie day) around 5am?? was kinda tired so stopped watching.. ended up kapoing her stuffs. kekek went through her fan's letter with her (so she could finish reading then) gosh.. 10 out of 10 says the same thing.. but some probably wrote in different ways or the length of the letter.. woft! there's this letter.. well more like an essay.. 3 full pages of hand printed text (considered small writing) poor geral.. *sayang* hmm.. freaking hungry now.. didn't had my dinner.. missed my breakfast and i'm still at geral's place.. where's my lunch!! i'm gonna eat like a pig later! kekek.. hmm going sydney's place later.. swimming tomorrow!! wanna learn!! freestyle.. kekekke!! ahh hungry.starving..famished..dying.. hahaha. god bless and have a nice holiday mic!! =)

~ { 12/05/2006 01:53:00 pm }
wish upon the star;