Reflection time!
hmm just finish reading kt's blog not long ago. had some self-reflection.[if i'm really doing some self-reflection, i'll not be writing this and will be doing my hw. keke]
anyway, did some self-reflection about me and my friends. was thinking that i had been too demanding and "spoiled brat" seriously. always wanna do things in my way. i always force people. best example's yi mei. but that's no choice cause she like doing things differently from others to get in her way, or something. thinking, that i'm such a domineering person. am I? and oh! really glad that kt show's me his blog. meaning i've actually gain someone's trust. maybe a little. but at least i makes me feel i'm a reliable person. daff's different. her problems are nothing compared to ours. not saying our's really important. but her's like always about guys and stuffs. ok, problems like parentingy's important, but most of the time she's just behaving like a spoiled brat and complain too much when things doesn't go her way. [i'm like that too sometimes but different issue of course]
and of course the others. not sure it's maintaining, stable or simply detorating. no one's making the effort. i mean like sometimes, when we see each other online, we don't even bother to say a hi or something. is that a bad omen? and eileen, sometimes i really tried hard making conversation but always made me speechless. hope it's just because i'm too boring and dame it! she's so busy theses days i hardly sees her. at least she's better than daff. though i understand daff better. maybe daff understand me better compared to eileen but feeling's different. it's nicer, more fun and not that stressful. gotta be careful of everyone i speak to daff but can just blabber things out to eileen =) and that's why i know why KT trust her that much. she's one of the kind i like. =) just like geraldine. love her too. even though we seldom communicate or whatever, feeling's still the same when we see each other. the same, old feeling when we're in sec old days. she's my cousin afterall and all those obstacles we had gone through since young. =) hope me and eileen's the same too. *wishing* ^.^
do you think people grow too fast? i don't think so. but i reckon the feeling and thinking grow too fast. just like as we grow older. because of your age, we think we can do whatever thing we like, not thinking of other's. change our likes and don'ts,our attitudes. and that's why we influence the surrounding people to changes as well. like people around me here's so independent. that's why i wana be independent too and wanna break free from my parents' comfort nest. and maybe that's why i've becoming ruder each days. hate it but it just comes naturally. plus you know, family heritage: bad temper. kekee. aww. hope i''m still mommy daddy's good girl. and hope they're able to settle this business and quarrel less. luckily our room's far apart, so i don't have to hear them quarrel everytime. that's so mood affecting!!
okie. in conclusion. i wanna have a happy life and hope things get better here and able to communicate with the people here better and make them understand what i'm saying better and get good grades, do not disappoint my parents and jie jie kor kor and love all my friends!! and be nice nice and hmm.. be happy! =) oh and be less rude and less domineering.

family photo!!
in melbourne. from top,clockwise: kor kor, mommy, daddy jie jie and me! <3>
mic ~ missing..